Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In class exercise: 3/3

#1  I tried something different from what I usually do when I present information and tried to be extra forceful and convincing.  Ironically the one time I attempt to be intentionally forceful, I come off as preachy.  That is perfectly fine; I just need to practice this method of speaking more. I need to refine the way I convey my thoughts verbally.

From the feedback I received it seems that the major ideas behind my manifesto came across save for a few ideas that could be rewritten..  However, I do agree that the term "fun" should be changed.  It is a word that, when used in excess, makes my entire manifesto appear as if I feel everything in life should be fun, all the time.  I do not want that, so it will be changed.

I plan to rewrite or reword my manifesto so that the idea of working with a degree of satisfaction and excitement when creating one's movies is paramount.  I may even use that phrase somehow.

The conflicts in my manifesto that were mentioned did not seem to affect its overall quality, with regards to the idea of meticulous planning and blatant effort.  It does represent a current crossroads within my own work where I must push myself to make the effort first, then prepare a plan later.  I am happy that came across.

Someone mentioned that my manifesto tends to make everything black and white, but did not specify if that is a good thing or not.  It is something I need to think about. Do I want to leave room in my manifesto for answers that are not "Yes and No?"


Currently, my essay and visuals are supporting the "original idea" I had for my manifesto where I create the storyboards and develop the shots I want from desire, and not any pre-conceived notions of if they will actually work in the long run or not. I know how I want my story to be conveyed and am working to make it become just that.

Even if they are supporting the mentality of my manifesto, I can push it further, with riskier camera angles, more developed storyboards, and ideas that I have not even come up with.

In short, the feedback I received was very helpful. It seems the core issue of my manifesto is the use of the word "fun", which I will revise. I believe changing that will fix everything else.  If not, I will revise further.  In the meantime, I will continue developing my essay, and storyboard.


Oh... and any other comments about my manifesto or what I inferred from the class discussion, if anyone has any, would be appreciated.

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