note: How is time related?
Movie documents how two individuals utilize their time to get
a specific task done, and the way their approaches are
- [ ] II. LOGLINE: Two guys live together with highly contrasting
personalities. These personalities contrast most around breakfast
time, as they both try to make pancakes.
- [ ] III. SYNOPSIS: (Divided into three parts)
- [ ] A. The movie begins with two guys who spend their morning playing video games at home. Guy One is calm, collected, and patient. Guy Two is high strung and likes to do things as quickly as possible. Guy two is also more competitive than guy one and exclaims in excitement when he wins in the game they are playing. Suddenly, his stomach growls loudly. Guy One looks at the clock. He realizes they have not eaten all day, and it is already noon. Guy Two looks in the fridge for something quick to make for breakfast. He reaches for the eggs, and only finds one left. He sees next to him that Guy One has pulled out the ingredients to make pancakes from scratch, as indicated by his pancake syrup off to the side for later. Guy Two is not happy about him taking the two eggs he wanted to scramble and opts to make quick pancakes from "instant mix"instead.
- [ ] B. From here, the story moves back and forth between Guy One and Guy Two's techniques in cooking. Where guy one makes his batter with the utmost care, Guy Two reads the instructions of the "instant mix" very quickly, and proceeds to make his batter too thick. He starts over, and makes it too runny. Meanwhile, Guy One is already pouring his first pancake into the skillet. Guy Two finally makes decent batter, but cuts corners again by cranking the heat to HIGH and not using cooking spray. Refusing to preheat his skillet results in his food almost catching fire, and him having to scrape the burnt pancake from the skillet. He looks over to GUY ONE, who flipped his pancake over to brown the other side("sizzle").
- [ ] C. At the end of the film, Guy One is done making his pancakes, and sits at the table, ready to eat. He made extra for Guy Two, and offers him some. Guy Two refuses, trying to keep
his pride in check, and continues to work in his now messy part of the kitchen, trying to make Instant Pancakes without reading the instructions. Guy One finishes eating and goes to play video games again. While Guy One is not looking, Guy Two eats the remaining pancakes that Guy One left for him.
- [ ] IV. VISUAL MATERIALS: (will have images and mock ups when finished)
- [ ] A. characters
- [ ] 1. Contrasting styles and color schemes. Want to use reds yellows and oranges in environment to contrast their designs and separate them from the background.
Guy One: More relaxed, cargo pants, green sweater.
Guy Two: Slick and aerodynamic, sports wear. (will cover up logos)

- [ ] B. Props (support character's personalities)
- [ ] 1. Cooking Utensils:

- [ ] B. Props (support character's personalities)
- [ ] 1. Cooking Utensils:
- a) Silverware: Guy One
- b) Plastic forks and spoons to mix by choice: Guy Two (emphasize, quick, disposable lifestyle)
- a) Guy One : cast iron (traditionalist)
- b) Guy Two: contemporary metal skillet.
- a) easy to make, easy to mess up (burn, too runny, too chunky, etc.)
- b) One makes from scratch. (Guy One)
- c) One uses "instant pancake mix". (Guy Two) (explains why fast guy can easily try to make pancakes again within the allotted hour)
- d) NOTE: although pancakes are used, the movie is not meant to become a "how to cook demonstration." It focuses more on the actions and the contrasting personalities of the characters.
know how to make pancakes. (The viewer sees this as "blah blah blah" with only select words and measurements visible.)
- [ ] 5. Seating and tables and whatnot, some bridge between their
two personalities. Somewhat worn, to help convey their lifestyle.
- [ ] C. reference materials/ original conceptual studies / kitchen layout
- [ ] 1. Lighting: High Key; diffused fill for softer shadows, and less contrast from light to dark.
- [ ] 5. Seating and tables and whatnot, some bridge between their
two personalities. Somewhat worn, to help convey their lifestyle.
- [ ] C. reference materials/ original conceptual studies / kitchen layout
- [ ] 1. Lighting: High Key; diffused fill for softer shadows, and less contrast from light to dark.
- [ ] 2. Kitchen Layout
-[] 3. Texture swatches: colors of kitchen.

NOTE: Accents of red and yellow lowers the amount of light that would reflect (original design of kitchen walls is white).

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