Tuesday, January 27, 2009

critique exercise

Material Choices:
  • web-camera, quicktime pro for minor edits.  
  • Bag, bread, etc for film's subject matter.
  • Clear plastic cover to protect camera lens. (shot with jelly)
Conceptual Process:
  • Shooting from the perspective of inanimate objects.
  • Considering the viewing angle of the object in question (its eyes)
  • Would they always look in the same direction (from slice of bread to sandwich)
  • How to simulate that which has never been seen my my own eyes, i.e. breadvision?  (Think like bread?)

What do I want to communicate?
  • Making and eating of a sandwich from loaf to table, then table to mouth  (Life and death of a sandwich?) specifically from the sandwich's perspective.

Result of first try, or other attempts made?
  • Project was first try at concept, but shot same actions multiple times before it looked the way i wanted to convey my idea.
Are those attempts present in final work, or erased?
  • (Yes) Final work appears seamless, with actions flowing into each other via the cuts to black.  On personal note, fits my original storyboard made for project as well.

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